videos Haare blau, heie Frau

Jay Elle sieht mit ihren blau gefarbten, lockigen Haaren einfach mega niedlich aus. Auch das kurze Sommeroutfit steht ihr total gut. Sie kann es sich wirklich leisten, viel Haut zu zeigen. Weil die Sonne mit voller Kraft vom Himmel scheint, entschliet sich die 22jahrige Studentin, erst einmal die Blumen und Straucher im Garten zu gieen. Schlielich sollen die nicht verdursten - bei der Hitze.
Überhaupt ist Jay Elle ein sehr hilfsbereites Madel. Sie ist gerne mit Menschen zusammen, sie liebt es, ihnen zu helfen und hat sich daher fur ein Studium im sozialen Bereich entschieden. Es macht ihr nach wie vor unglaublich viel Spa. Apropos Spa: Sex kommt in ihrem Leben naturlich auf keinen Fall zu kurz. Als sie plotzlich beginnt, ihr Oberteil auszuziehen, fallt uns auf, dass sie sich unter ihren Achseln gar nicht rasiert hat. Daraufhin angesprochen, meint sie blo, dass Achselhaare doch was absolut Naturliches sind. Und auch im Intimbereich lasst sie ihre Lockenpracht gerne und vor allem bewusst wachsen. Bisher hat sich noch niemand daruber beschwert, dass sie sich nicht rasiert. Im Gegenteil: die Resonanz ihrer Sex-Partner*innen ist absolut positiv. Auerdem kommt es ja in erster Linie darauf an, dass sich Jay Elle wohlfuhlt. Sie liebt das Naturliche-und das passt einfach super zu ihr. Nach und nach lasst sie die Hullen fallen. Als sie dann plotzlich ganz nackt vor uns steht, staunen wir nicht schlecht. Wollt Ihr wissen, warum? Dann schaut mal her
Jay Elle (22)

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Tezfiles Foto Set: Eine Pariserin in Berlin: Jada

Was immer Jada sucht - sie findet es in Paris. Jeder Bezirk dieser Stadt ist ihrer Meinung nach unglaublich speziell und einzigartig. Sie kann sich gut vorstellen, noch langer hier zu bleiben. Naturlich ist auch ihr Freund ein kleines bisschen schuld daran. Schlielich ist sie ja wegen ihm hergezogen. Anfangs fuhrten die zwei eine sehr offene Beziehung, aber das hat sich mittlerweile geandert. Denn die Eifersucht hat beiden einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht und dafur gesorgt, dass sich ein paar Dinge grundlegend andern mussten.
Jada plant ihre Beziehungen eigentlich nie fur ein ganzes Leben. Allerdings sie ist schon gewillt, daran zu arbeiten, damit alles gut lauft. Nur eben nicht mehr auf Biegen und Brechen. Wenn es ums Flirten geht, ist Jada vollig talentfrei, sagt sie. Wegen ihrer Schuchternheit uberlasst sie das Baggern lieber den anderen. Auerdem mag sie das Spiel des Flirtens generell nicht: Dieses so tun, als sei sie nicht interessiert, um so hoffentlich den Eroberungsdrang des Gegenubers zu wecken, findet sie einfach nur peinlich. Stattdessen lachelt sie lieber. Und das macht sie wirklich gut Niemals wurde sie einen Mann oder eine Frau von sich aus ansprechen. Aber dafur ergreift sie in Sachen Sex gerne die Initiative
Übrigens: Jadas Lieblingswort im franzosischen Sprachgebrauch lasst sich sinngema am besten mit Bullshit ubersetzen. Was sie damit genau meint, das verrat sie uns im Liebesinterview
Jada (24)

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Tezfiles Foto Set: Taliah Aeryn leben ihre Fantasien aus

Langst sitzt Aeryn auf dem riesigen Bett und wartet auf Taliah. Aber die macht sich noch etwas zurecht, bevor sie sich vor unsere Kamera begibt. Ob sie wohl ein bisschen Lampenfieber hat? Dann geht es ihr ja fast so wie Aeryn. Und trotzdem ist die Stimmung bei den Madels einfach super. Die beiden haben jetzt schon jede Menge Spa, wenngleich sie doch wegen etwas ganz anderem viel aufgeregter sind Aeryn hat sich jedenfalls extra fur ihr heutiges Date mit Taliah neue Dessous gekauft. Aber irgendwie sitzen die nicht so, wie sie es sich gewunscht hat. Ganz selbstbewusst verrat sie uns sogar ihre BH-Groe, und dass es mitunter schwierig fur sie ist, aufregende Wasche zu finden. Vor allem, weil sie groe Bruste und eine schmale Taille hat. Wir wollen von ihnen wissen, ob sie sich gegenseitig ausschlielich mit den Handen verwohnen, oder ob sie vielleicht das eine oder andere Toy benutzen wollen. Aeryn plaudert bei der Gelegenheit ein weiteres Geheimnis aus: namlich, dass eine Burste in bestimmten Situationen ein richtig tolles Sexspielzeug sein kann. Wichtig ist nur, dass das Teil moglichst gro und flach ist. Es macht sie absolut an, wenn man sie damit auf ihren Po schlagt. Bei diesen Worten hort Taliah ganz genau hin Jetzt ist Verwohnen und Spa haben angesagt. Aeryn und Taliah konnen es kaum noch erwarten, einander endlich naher zu kommen. Die Fantasie geht schon jetzt mit ihnen durch
Taliah &amp Aeryn (30&nbsp&amp&nbsp27)

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Tezfiles Foto Set: Splashing Around with Aurora

The first time she experienced Berlins Kreuzberg, she was done for. Just as were done for now, admiring this adorable girl with Asian roots. She loves how open and relaxed everybody here is. Funny, thats what we love about her. Do we see a pattern emerging?
This gal does whatever she feels up to. Whether working as a media assistant or being a rock star, shes tried it all, and her curiosity doesnt stop at her jobs In the sheets, shes already had a lot of great experiences to share-with men AND women. One night stands? Why not
Her ideal dream prince has long hair and is covered in tattoos (we couldnt agree more). But that doesnt mean there might not be a dream princess out there for her, too Aurora is particularly fond of how beautiful womens bodies are (again: SAME).
Her first time was early, when she was just 13, because she was bored. But it certainly paid off, because since then, she has never stopped enjoying discovering herself and her wonderful body. And shes more than happy to take her lovers along on the journey All she asks is that they take the lead and show her which way to go.
What she means with that, you ask? Have a look and see for yourself
Aurora (22)
File Name : Interview with Aurora part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 413.06 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:17:16

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Tezfiles Video: Love Is In The Air: Fiona Enrico

Fiona and Enrico-one heart and one soul. Sizzling tension is in the air. While the two turtledoves are still out sipping their Coke, the sparkling wine is already chilled, ready and waiting inside.
At first, it didnt even look like Enrico would make it to their date on time. How tedious it can be when you keep hitting one traffic jam after the other on your way home. But sweet Fiona takes it all in stride. Now its time to forge some plans. Where will their next vacation take them?
By the way, Enrico has prepared a surprise for his sweetheart. He made sure to postpone an important appointment, and now he can stay overnight A happy smile fleets across Fionas face when she hears the news. And soon, they let us know what they will do when they are left undisturbed
Fiona &amp Enrico (22&nbsp&amp&nbsp33)
File Name : Interview with Fiona & Enrico part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 842.01 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:35:12

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Tezfiles Video: Wer wurde nicht gerne mit Lena B. Rebecca kuscheln?

Rebecca ist ein absoluter Oral-Freak, verrat sie uns. Deshalb war sie zunachst ziemlich uberrascht, als sich ihr Ex mit seiner Zunge bis zu ihrem Po-Loch vorgewagt hatte. Aber schon nach Sekundenbruchteilen fand sie ihren ersten Anilingus einfach super. Wen wunderts - seitdem ist Rimming fur sie das grote. Einfach ausblenden und genieen, lautet dabei ihr Motto. Lena wiederum steht total auf Liebeskugeln. Am liebsten wurde sie nie wieder ohne aus dem Haus gehen. Nicht nur, dass sie damit ihre Vaginalmuskulatur trainieren kann, sondern was sie viel besser findet ist, dass sie sich damit sogar das Vorspiel sparen kann. Das ist naturlich besonders praktisch, wenn sie mal wieder einen netten Typen in der Disco aufgreifen will. Zwar ist Rebeca noch ein bisschen skeptisch, was die unsichtbaren Dinger mit dem vielversprechenden Inneren betrifft. Allerdings will sie die Liebeskugeln unbedingt auch selber mal ausprobieren. Ganz gleich, ob Rimming oder Liebeskugeln: Es ist unglaublich spannend, was Lena und Rebecca zu erzahlen haben. Schlielich plaudern sie bei uns ihre intimsten Sex-Geheimnisse aus
Teens girls, beautiful girl, milf

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Tezfiles Foto Set: Nina T. liebt ihre Geheimnisse...

Nina (24) aus Wiesbaden studiert Kunst und Deutsch. Sie liebt es zu malen und zu reiten. Beim Sex ubernimmt sie gerne den devoten Part, fuhlt sich allerdings genauso gut, wenn sie zeigen kann, wo es lang geht. Aber weshalb tragt sie jetzt eine Maske?
Die Studentin steht drauf, sich geheimnisvoll zu prasentieren. Ob sie denn wohl auch wei, wie sexy sie mit ihrer Augenmaske aussieht? BestimmtIn ein paar Tagen ist sie ein Jahr lang mit ihrem Freund zusammen. Das will sie naturlich gebuhrend mit ihm feiern. Klar, dass sie sich zu diesem besonderen Anlass richtig hubsch machen will. Corsagen und High Heels gehoren dann naturlich unbedingt dazu.
Wir fragen sie, was sie an ihrem Schatz denn so sehr liebt. Mit einem schwarmerischen Augenaufschlag verrat sie uns, dass sie total darauf abfahrt, dass er mal su und mal bose sein kann. Wenn er sie fesselt und es dabei auch mal ein bisschen harter zur Sache geht, dann wird Nina ganz verruckt. Vor allem, wenn sie kurz vor ihrem Hohepunkt ist und er sie immer weiter penetriert. In solchen Momenten halt sie es vor Lust kaum aus. Es ist einfach der Hammer, sagt sie.
Andererseits ist Nina auch gerne mal die Dominante. Dann muss ihr Freund ihre Fue lecken, kussen, daran saugen und noch vieles mehrAm liebsten wurde Nina beim Sex mit ihrem Lover noch eine Frau mit ins Boot holen. Allerdings will ihr Freund sie mit niemandem teilen.
Rollen- und Fesselspiele, Analsex und viele andere schone Dinge liebt Nina total. Und weil sie mit ihrem Schatz eine Fernbeziehung fuhrt, befriedigt sie sich mehrmals am Tag selbst. Sie kann einfach nicht ohne Sex. Da gibt es allerdings etwas, das hat sie noch nie ausprobiert. Was genau das ist? Das erzahlt sie uns gleich
Nina T. (24)

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Tezfiles Foto Set: Luisa Will Lift Your Spirits

Always in a good mood with a sense of humor, the cute Luisa simply radiates happiness. Does this 20-year-old blonde know just what a positive effect she has on others? This cute student also has quite ambitious pursuits in her career. Just as important, though, is close contact with friends. They can often be found hitting up bars and clubs in Karlsruhe together.
But of course, that needs to be balanced out with some relaxation. For physical activity, Luisa likes being outside, jogging or going on long walks through the forest. And of course, having sex...
Luisa (20)

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Tezfiles Foto Set: Hot like the first summer day: Matilda

Matilda loves reading, which is why she started studying art history and literature-talk about living your passion When it comes to classical literature, she loves books by complex writers, where the readers really need to open up to appreciate their work. Speaking of opening up, she also enjoys the inspiration that Fifty Shades of Grey offers, but she says that only works for her because she has a partner she can completely trust.
Her lovely curls are as untamable as she was in her wild years, and even now, she hasnt really calmed down. She loves working out, and strong-willed as she is, she has no problem speaking her mind and getting what she wants. Her soft, smooth skin and bright eyes are angelically framed by the flowers that surround her. What a contrast to her naughty nose-ring and tales of experimentation
Generally speaking, she doesnt mind threesomes or open relationships. But she is so in love with her current boyfriend, and all the surprises he_s has in store for her, that she couldnt imagine ever sharing him with anyone else Even so, theres still plenty more things they want to try, so we hope she comes back soon to share her new experiences
Matilda (24)
File Name : Matilda in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 369.94 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:15:33

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Tezfiles Video: Hot like the first summer day: Matilda

Matilda loves reading, which is why she started studying art history and literature-talk about living your passion When it comes to classical literature, she loves books by complex writers, where the readers really need to open up to appreciate their work. Speaking of opening up, she also enjoys the inspiration that Fifty Shades of Grey offers, but she says that only works for her because she has a partner she can completely trust.
Her lovely curls are as untamable as she was in her wild years, and even now, she hasnt really calmed down. She loves working out, and strong-willed as she is, she has no problem speaking her mind and getting what she wants. Her soft, smooth skin and bright eyes are angelically framed by the flowers that surround her. What a contrast to her naughty nose-ring and tales of experimentation
Generally speaking, she doesnt mind threesomes or open relationships. But she is so in love with her current boyfriend, and all the surprises he_s has in store for her, that she couldnt imagine ever sharing him with anyone else Even so, theres still plenty more things they want to try, so we hope she comes back soon to share her new experiences
Matilda (24)
File Name : Matilda in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 369.94 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:15:33

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Tezfiles Video: Fierce like her undies: Wildcat Alice M.

Alice is one of those confident people you immediately want to get to know better. So its a good thing shes so chatty, open and willing to tell us all about herself. Like her exciting hobbies. Modeling? Poledancing? Awesome We love her laid-back vibes and her relaxed approach to life, love and sex She might have just met someone (lucky guy), but that doesnt mean shes not open to new experiences. For sex has a lot of different meanings to her, depending on who its with. So its no wonder shes already enjoyed trying all sorts of wild activities with men, and women, and toys
Good thing she also enjoys breaking taboos now and then. Otherwise we might have never been able to watch her playing with herself in a car. A moving car at that. And... OH MY GOD her nipples are pierced, how hot is that? Hopefully that car will never reach its destination... Thanks to her selfie camera we can get in up-close to watch. We love how she flirts with the camera and how sensually she moves.
Her leopard print lingerie is pretty hot too She says she has a dirty mind and big appetite for sex. Wonder what she is thinking about right now? Whatever it is, it must be good, because it doesnt take her long to get fired up And once she comes, she is in quite the puddle of satisfaction.
Alice M.
File Name : Alice in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 328.69 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:13:42

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Tezfiles Video: Up for a good laugh? Always, with Agnes Mira

Agnes and Mira are back, this time theyre in Berlin A lot has happened since they were with us last time, so we have lots to catch up on. Both of them have jobs that include pampering others, and that_s not so different from how they enjoy sex. They both love the allure of womens bodies, and the way they describe it is absolutely delicious. Their soft skin, their soft curves-yum There are plenty of places theyd like to visit while theyre still in Berlin. But not so much because of what they want to see there-it_s more about what they want to be seen doing there. For these two girls love watching-and being watched-wherever they are: whether on the street or at wild parties or anywhere in between. Its just too bad there arent more girls out there who are as willing to experiment as these two
&nbspAs they tell us about themselves, we enjoy watching the casual way they keep flirting with each other. Right now, Agnes and Mira are relaxing together in a park, but usually, they arent even in the same city To keep each other entertained despite the distance, theyve come up with some creative ways of staying in touch. Their imaginations certainly are active Even as the conversation shifts to their favorite toys, they immediately start coming up with ideas of the most pleasurable ways they could use it on each other. We cant wait to see what the two have in store for each other
Agnes &amp Mira (31&nbsp&amp&nbsp24)
File Name : Agnes & Mira in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 476.93 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:20:03

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Tezfiles Video: Fierce like her undies: Wildcat Alice M.

Alice is one of those confident people you immediately want to get to know better. So its a good thing shes so chatty, open and willing to tell us all about herself. Like her exciting hobbies. Modeling? Poledancing? Awesome We love her laid-back vibes and her relaxed approach to life, love and sex She might have just met someone (lucky guy), but that doesnt mean shes not open to new experiences. For sex has a lot of different meanings to her, depending on who its with. So its no wonder shes already enjoyed trying all sorts of wild activities with men, and women, and toys
Good thing she also enjoys breaking taboos now and then. Otherwise we might have never been able to watch her playing with herself in a car. A moving car at that. And... OH MY GOD her nipples are pierced, how hot is that? Hopefully that car will never reach its destination... Thanks to her selfie camera we can get in up-close to watch. We love how she flirts with the camera and how sensually she moves.
Her leopard print lingerie is pretty hot too She says she has a dirty mind and big appetite for sex. Wonder what she is thinking about right now? Whatever it is, it must be good, because it doesnt take her long to get fired up And once she comes, she is in quite the puddle of satisfaction.
Alice M.
File Name : Alice in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 328.69 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:13:42

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Tezfiles Video: Ivy is a real Showgirl

Ivy is fun, quirky and gorgeous. Today is her first shoot with Ersties, and shes come well prepared Her hobbies and interests are just as colorful and creative as the dress she is wearing. On top of that, she sure has some interesting stories to tell of the experiences she_s had so far But still, there is plenty more she wants to try out when it comes to sex. We love hearing about her favorite sexual fantasies and her unusual kinks
&nbspWhen it comes to meeting new people, shes not easily deceived. Sweet-talk wont work on her-she needs a convincing personality. As she shares her insights on love and lust, porn, fetishes and rough sex, she slowly starts fidgeting up her pretty dress until we can see her frilly panties, and then some more
&nbspAs she shows off her lovely body, she continues telling us about all her favorite sexual interests. Shes quite the showgirl Just as she sometimes enjoys just being teased, she teases the camera with showing just the slightest flashes of her soft curves before turning away again. But before she lets us get a closer peek, she shares the juiciest secret ever about where she is filming today
Ivy (23)
File Name : Interview with Ivy part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 209.87 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:08:46

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Tezfiles Video: Mirror, mirror...:Joan Beatrix

Is there anything nicer than passing the time with a friend at your favorite cafe? Well, Joan and Beatrix definitely know to make it even better: some steamy lovemaking in the bathroom, along with a special little surprise in the form of a luxury vibrator, much different from your garden variety sex toy. Sticking it inside your vagina provides amazing pleasure. You should definitely try it sometime. It truly works wonders And this nice little unit is equipped with a remote control so that your lover can be in control of getting you off. Joan and Beatrix are clearly quite excited to put it to use.
But first on the agenda is some relaxing. That includes a leisurely stroll through the city, from one shop to the next. When they end up in the changing room of a boutique with beautiful mirrors, now_s their chance: time to hit the trigger on the remote control. Guess what happens next...
It_s an impressive experience, feeling the powerful effects of such a seemingly small vibrator. They get so turned on, and next they feel the urge to please each other orally. To calm down those butterflies in the stomach, Beatrix and Joan decide to have somefun by putting on a little fashion show.
Suddenly, the two girls are at a bar, and the inevitable happens: the vibrator is back by popular demand, once again demonstrating its powerful ability. Now Beatrix and Joan have a severe craving for a post-orgasm drink. Yes, that_s quite a treat. But the day_s not over yet. On the contrary... Now let them seduce you into taking a look to see what happens next
Joan &amp Beatrix (23&nbsp&amp&nbsp25)

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Tezfiles Foto Set: Pure Innocence: Elisabeth

Elisabeth has finished her studies, and now shes back in the game and better than ever-and she_s now single With so much newly won freedom, shes looking forward to trying out lots of new things including new fetishes. Shes also open to meeting new people to try out the kind of dom-sub role-play shes curious about. One-night stands arent really her thing-she needs to know her partners a little better to let them get rough with her. But getting to know her definitely pays off She doesnt need toys to have a great time-just herself and a partner. For her, fingers and hands provide a more intimate touch, and more exciting.
&nbspBut dont let Elisabeths big doe-eyes deceive you: she can be quite the predator As long as she_s single, shes happy to share her girls with others. But once someone has conquered her heart, then she wants to keep her lover all to herself. She also has a very gentle side. Even the way she caresses her own feet and legs has something deeply sensual about it. Were glad she doesnt need any toys to have fun-they would just be in the way of the lovely view.
File Name : Elisabeth in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 264.52 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:11:48

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Tezfiles Video: Hot like the first summer day: Matilda

Matilda loves reading, which is why she started studying art history and literature-talk about living your passion When it comes to classical literature, she loves books by complex writers, where the readers really need to open up to appreciate their work. Speaking of opening up, she also enjoys the inspiration that Fifty Shades of Grey offers, but she says that only works for her because she has a partner she can completely trust.
Her lovely curls are as untamable as she was in her wild years, and even now, she hasnt really calmed down. She loves working out, and strong-willed as she is, she has no problem speaking her mind and getting what she wants. Her soft, smooth skin and bright eyes are angelically framed by the flowers that surround her. What a contrast to her naughty nose-ring and tales of experimentation
Generally speaking, she doesnt mind threesomes or open relationships. But she is so in love with her current boyfriend, and all the surprises he_s has in store for her, that she couldnt imagine ever sharing him with anyone else Even so, theres still plenty more things they want to try, so we hope she comes back soon to share her new experiences
Matilda (24)
File Name : Matilda in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 369.94 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:15:33

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Tezfiles Video: Who would love to caress Marias nipple piercing?

Maria is a clever girl who spends her free time studying politics. Other than that, she also enjoys riding horses She has the most charming smile and is not at all shy in articulating her opinions. When having sex with her boyfriend, however, she prefers handing the reigns over to him. Not completely, though-she still likes finishing on top.
She loves the outdoors and all the more or less secluded places it has to offer to entertain herself. Just the risk of being seen can be exciting Thats why she also prefers slightly unusual locations for pleasing herself. She especially enjoys sex with people she already knows a bit, because, as she says, it_s the best way to get to know them for who they really are. Except when it comes to a threesome with her boyfriend. Not that she wouldnt mind trying. After all, shes tried plenty already and still wants to discover a lot more. Its just that she wouldnt want to share somebody as special as him with a friend. Lucky him
Maria M (24)
File Name : Maria in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 303.26 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:12:36

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Tezfiles Video: Mae shows us her favorite toy

Mae is so gorgeously bubbly right from the start, it almost comes as no surprise that she specializes in the arts, especially creative writing. Maybe there is erotic screenwriting in her future? After all, even when she was younger, she would picture people around her getting it on, well, all over the place, really. In the most graphic details, at that.
&nbspHappily single, shes easy-going when it comes relationships and sexuality. And to top it all off, she has the most fool-proof advice for getting to know new people We must be sure to keep it in mind for the future.
&nbspWhen having sex, it_s important for Mae that both partners are focused on having fun-she can even make a competition out of it Depending on whether shes with a girl or boy, she has different preferences-and it can change depending on the moment. When it comes to anal, though-she loves that in any situation. And public sex-the chance of getting caught or being watched makes it all the more intense. She sure knows the best places-we definitely need to remember them next time were on the road in Melbourne
&nbspAs it rains outside, Mae gets comfortable in her bed with her broomstick. But not an ordinary broomstick Its her lovely vibrating toy with ten (10) different speeds. It sure does the trick, as it only takes Mae a few minutes of riding it for her to fly off
Mae (19)
File Name : Interview with Mae part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 240.3 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:10:03

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Tezfiles Video: They cant get enough: Laney Lucinda

As excited as the two are to get started, they are also happy to warm each other up a bit first. Not only are their hands freezing, but Laney also has this really great photography book shes been meaning to show Lucinda. The two pretty girls become engrossed in the pictures-its like their own little slumber party At least until they lay down and get a bit more comfortable, then they quickly find something else much more interesting. As they slowly start undressing each other, things suddenly dont seem so chilly anymore.
The girls arent the only ones heating up either. As they smother each other with kisses and strokes, the slumber party feeling quickly melts away as the two get wild with each other Each one knows exactly what to do to get the other one moaning. They hardly need the fun toy they brought along to play with. On the other hand, it does look like its great to use But whats even more surprising is its hard to believe the two girls are just friends who are trying this for the first time Were so glad they took us along for the ride, and love how they can talk and laugh through all of it.
Even when both can lean back completely satisfied, the two talkative girls cant keep their hands off each other. As they lay there in each others arms they start planning the next scene theyd like to shoot, the situation, the location, the toys they would bringwe cant wait to see the results
Laney &amp Lucinda (22&nbsp&amp&nbsp20)
File Name : Laney & Lucinda in action part 1 HQ.mp4
File Size : 338.87 MB
Resolution : 1920x1080
Duration : 00:14:03

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